Lotta Wines
A family story

A family heritage

About us

The Lotta Farm is located in San Nicolò d'Arcdiano, a small town of 3000 inhabitants in the Campidano del Terralbese area, famous for the production of local grapes, a few km from the splendid Costa Verde. Like many other realities, production begins from the vineyards of family, those "of the grandfather" making a domestic production, until 2010 when the actual agricultural company was born and new vineyards were added, after that we moved to a more professional type of cultivation and winemaking, all this obviously always maintaining the same philosophy, that is to remain a small family business that aims for quality rather than large quantities, and which has as its objective the respect and protection of the territory. 

Today cultivation takes place on an area of ​​approximately 2.5 Ha, entirely with integrated management, mainly on sandy soil at sea level, the harvest takes place entirely by hand. The annual production is around 15,000 bottles

Il nostro sogno

We cultivate the land taking care of it every day, we limit phytosanitary interventions to a minimum, we do most of the work with our hands, harvesting, pruning and leaf removal, without mechanical aids. We respect every creature present in our vineyards, from the bee to the earthworm, because we know that by doing so they will work for us.

Contact us

 Azienda Agricola Lotta Marco micheleSan nicolo d'arcidano 09097 
Via ponti sa murta 21 (OR) 

  comerciale +39 3479673498